Hydroponics – Alternative Farming

Hydroponics – Alternative Farming

Hydroponics – Alternative Farming

Hydroponics is the method of growing plants usually crops without soil. In this method crops are grown in nutrient rich water instead of soil. Plants which are grown hydroponically grow faster and healthier than plants in the soil since they are being provided with all those essential nutrients which are required for their healthy growth directly through roots which are present in water. Nutrients are dissolved in the water that surrounds the root so plant absorb nutrients easily from it. Due to it’s results it was also integrated into the space program by NASA as they are considering the practicality of growing food in long term space machines. Hydroponics allow crops to grow 50% faster than in the soil and fresh organic produce can be obtained or harvested throughout the year. It also helps to produce higher yields than the traditional agriculture methods and allows crop to grow in that area where growing of crops in the soil is not possible.It requires only 10% of the wate that soil based agriculture require.

How hydroponics works?

In hydroponics, minute control is given on environmental conditions like temperature and pH balance and maximize the exposure to nutrients contents and oxygen content in the water. This is special type of water which is used for growing crops.

If we want to grow brinjal hydroponically then the water type is different, if we want to grow tomato the water will be different means different types of water and water nutrients are used to grow different types of crops.

Different ways of growing crops hydroponically-

1) Deep water culture hydroponics-

In this technique, plants are simply suspended in aerated water. The plant roots are submerged in oxygen rich nutrient solution providing all the essential nutrients required for the plant growth.

2) Aerophonics-

In this system plants are suspended in air and roots are exposed to nutrient filled mist. This system are enclosed framework like cubes or towers that can hold plants. Water and nutrients are stored in reservoir and them pumped to the nozzle that automizes the solution and distribute it as a fine mist.

3) Wick system-

In this system plants are kept in growing media on the tray that is placed on top of reservoir. This reservoir contains the water solution with the essential nutrients. Wick travel from reservoir to the growing tray. Water and nutrients flow up the wick and saturate the growing media around the root system of plants.

4) Nutrient film technique system-

Nutrient film technique (NFT) system suspend plants above the stream of continuously flowing nutrient solution that washes over the end of the plant’s root system. The channels holding the plants are titled, allowing water to run down the length of the grow tray before draining into the reservoir below.

5) Drip system-

In the hydroponic drip system, the aerated and nutrient rich reservoir pumps solution through a network of tubes to the individual plants. The solution is dripped slowly into the growing media surrounding the root system, keeping the plants moist and nourished.

Advantages of Hydroponics-

1) Gives more yield.

2) It is environmental friendly.

3) As soil is not used in this method so the application of insecticides and pesticides are not done and therefore it does not create soil pollution.

4) It helps to maintain the soil fertility.

5) The water used in hydroponics can be reused thereby reducing the water supply.

6) Doesn’t requires more space snd can also be done indoors.

Disadvantages of Hydroponics-

1) It is expensive as it requires lot of investment in its Start-up.

2) As hydroponics is based on power and electricity, if the power is cut off then it can affect the whole system.

3) Requires constant managing and handling the system.

4) Crops can get affected by the water borne disease and can damage the whole crop.

5) If the nutrients are not supplied in proper way then it can affect the productivity and yield and can lead to huge loss.



Saurav Gaikwad

Saurav Gaikwad

Bsc Agri. From Dr. PDKV Akola Msc EVS. From Fergusson college Pune

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